My staff doesn't seem to trust me. Information technology is my third year at my current school. I've brought a lot of proficient programs to the school. My staff is very stuck in the "this is what nosotros done for years" mentality. It's difficult bringing about school change. Is there annihilation I can do to improve this attitude?


It does sometimes seem equally if innovation in pedagogy moves with glacial slowness. And changing attitudes is really difficult piece of work.

But a couple of comments in your brusque question requite me pause.  Y'all say yous are merely in your tertiary year, but you've already brought "a lot of" practiced programs to the school.  I'm wondering how these programs were introduced and implemented. I'm too wondering how many is "a lot."

Get purchase in

For new programs to exist successful, it's essential to become buy-in from teachers–the people who have to acquire the new programs and change or change what they've been doing. Perhaps the new programs volition bring better results, but information technology may be difficult to tell in the brusque time you've been there. And perhaps teachers were not only comfortable with what they were doing, just also felt that they were already getting good results.

Garner trust

While I'm certain this wasn't your intent, too much schoolhouse modify in a short time subtly suggests to your staff that null much was happening until yous arrived. This is where the trust issue comes in. Some kinesthesia, especially veterans, may feel that y'all don't value the piece of work they've been doing or the experience and expertise they bring to the classroom.

Deadening downwardly

I would propose that you lot tiresome downwards a picayune. Have some time to show your support for the expert things your staff is doing. Talk to private teachers to get their perspective on the changes you've made.  And before you introduce anything else, meet with teachers and meet what they think. Endeavor to build consensus before you proceed.

There may exist a few faculty members who are resistant to any kind of alter, but in my feel teachers generally are interested in different methods and dissimilar classroom ideas.  But as George Burns, the comedian who lived to exist 100, famously observed, "Timing is everything."

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