How to Draw a Line in Autocad Using Excel Vba

Add Dimensions In AutoCAD Using Excel VBA


Almost 4.5 years have passed since the last post that I published dealing with AutoCAD and Excel cross-application development. Well, that's quite a long time, don't you think? Anyway, we have already learned how to draw several objects in AutoCAD from Excel (e.g. polylines, circles, and points), as well as how to add text and blocks in a drawing. But, how about dimensions? Is it possible to add dimensions in an AutoCAD drawing from Excel? Of course, it is!

The proposed solution is based on the AddDimAligned method of AutoCAD, which creates an aligned dimension to the specified document. According to AutoCAD VBA help, the structure of AddDimAligned method is the following:

RetVal = object.AddDimAligned(ExtLine1Point, ExtLine2Point, TextPosition)

RetVal: The newly created aligned dimension.
Object: Block, ModelSpace and PaperSpace. The objects this method applies to.
ExtLine1Point: Variant (three-element array of doubles). The 3D WCS coordinates specifying the first endpoint of the extension line.
ExtLine2Point: Variant (three-element array of doubles). The 3D WCS coordinates specifying the second endpoint of the extension line.
TextPosition: Variant (three-element array of doubles). The 3D WCS coordinates specifying the text position.

The sample workbook that you will find in the Downloads section below requires two main parameters: the coordinates of the starting point (ExtLine1Point) and the ending point (ExtLine2Point). The position of the displayed text (TextPosition) is automatically calculated in the middle of the two points.

VBA code for adding dimensions to AutoCAD from Excel

The code is actually a loop; most of the code is used to initialize the AutoCAD application object, as well as to open the sample drawing or to create a new one. Inside the code, you will find several formatting options, which you can customize according to your needs. Moreover, the dimOffset variable is used for adding an extra space between the dimension line and the object that is measured.

            Option Explicit   Sub AddDimensions()       '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     'The macro adds the dimensions that exist in the sheet named "Dimensions" to the opened or to a new AutoCAD drawing.     'It uses the AutoCAD AddDimAligned method to add the dimensions.       'The code uses late binding, so no reference to external AutoCAD (type) library is required.     'It goes without saying that AutoCAD, as well as VBA in AutoCAD, must be installed at your computer before running this code.       'Written By:    Christos Samaras     'Date:          14/03/2019     'Last Updated:  08/04/2019     'E-mail:        [email protected]     'Site:     '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       'Declaring the necessary variables.     Dim acadApp             As Object     Dim acadDoc             As Object     Dim acadDimAligned      As Object     Dim startingPoint(2)    As Double     Dim endingPoint(2)      As Double     Dim textLocation(2)     As Double     Dim dimOffset           As Double     Dim lastRow             As Long     Dim i                   As Long       'This is the vertical distance between the objected measured and the dimension line.     'You can adjust it according to your needs.     dimOffset = 100       'Activate the dimensions sheet and find the last row.     With Sheets("Dimensions")         .Activate         lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row     End With       'Check if there are coordinates for at least one dimension.     If lastRow < 3 Then         MsgBox "There are no coordinates in the sheet!", vbCritical, "Coordinates Error"         Exit Sub     End If       'Check if AutoCAD application is open. If is not opened create a new instance and make it visible.     On Error Resume Next     Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")     If acadApp Is Nothing Then         Set acadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")         acadApp.Visible = True     End If       'Check (again) if there is an AutoCAD object.     If acadApp Is Nothing Then         MsgBox "Sorry, it was impossible to start AutoCAD!", vbCritical, "AutoCAD Error"         Exit Sub     End If     On Error GoTo 0       'Try to open the sample drawing.     On Error Resume Next     Set acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Sample Drawing.dwg")       'If the sample file cannot be opened, create a new drawing.     If acadDoc Is Nothing Then         Set acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Add     End If     On Error GoTo 0       'Check if the active space is paper space and change it to model space.     If acadDoc.ActiveSpace = 0 Then '0 = acPaperSpace in early binding         acadDoc.ActiveSpace = 1     '1 = acModelSpace in early binding     End If       On Error Resume Next     'Loop through all the rows of the sheet and add the corresponding dimensions in the drawing.     With Sheets("Dimensions")           For i = 3 To lastRow               'Set the starting point.             startingPoint(0) = .Range("A" & i).Value             startingPoint(1) = .Range("B" & i).Value             startingPoint(2) = .Range("C" & i).Value               'Set the ending point.             endingPoint(0) = .Range("D" & i).Value             endingPoint(1) = .Range("E" & i).Value             endingPoint(2) = .Range("F" & i).Value               'Calculate the text location point.             If startingPoint(1) = endingPoint(1) Then                   'Horizontal line.                 textLocation(0) = (startingPoint(0) + endingPoint(0)) / 2                 textLocation(1) = startingPoint(1) + dimOffset                 textLocation(2) = startingPoint(2)               ElseIf startingPoint(0) = endingPoint(0) Then                   'Vertical line.                 textLocation(0) = startingPoint(0) + dimOffset                 textLocation(1) = (startingPoint(1) + endingPoint(1)) / 2                 textLocation(2) = startingPoint(2)               Else                   'Any other line.                 If startingPoint(1) > endingPoint(1) Then                     textLocation(0) = (startingPoint(0) + endingPoint(0)) / 2 + dimOffset                     textLocation(1) = (startingPoint(1) + endingPoint(1)) / 2                     textLocation(2) = startingPoint(2)                 Else                     textLocation(0) = (startingPoint(0) + endingPoint(0)) / 2 - dimOffset                     textLocation(1) = (startingPoint(1) + endingPoint(1)) / 2                     textLocation(2) = startingPoint(2)                 End If               End If               'Add the dimension in the drawing.             Set acadDimAligned = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddDimAligned(startingPoint, endingPoint, textLocation)               'Format the dimension object according to your needs.             With acadDimAligned                 .TextHeight = 30                 .TextGap = 10               'The distance of the dimension text from the dimension line.                 .Arrowhead1Type = 5         'acArrowOblique in early binding                 .Arrowhead2Type = 5         'For the standard dimension arrow put 0 here.                 .ArrowheadSize = 20                 .ExtensionLineExtend = 10   'The amount to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line.             End With               'Reset the arrays.             Erase startingPoint             Erase endingPoint             Erase textLocation           Next i       End With       'Zoom in to the drawing area.     acadApp.ZoomExtents       'Release the objects.     Set acadDimAligned = Nothing     Set acadDoc = Nothing     Set acadApp = Nothing       'Inform the user about the process.     MsgBox "The dimensions were successfully added in the drawing!", vbInformation, "Finished"   End Sub          

Note that if you have AutoCAD 2010 or a more recent version, you will have to download and install the VBA module, otherwise the code will fail. Just navigate to Autodesk's website and download the appropriate version.

Demonstration video

The short video below demonstrates the result of the above VBA code (10 dimensions are added in the drawing).



The zip file contains an Excel workbook along with a sample drawing that can be used to test the VBA code. The workbook can be opened with Excel 2007 or newer. Please enable macros before using it.

Read also

Send AutoCAD Commands From Excel & VBA
Drawing Points In AutoCAD Using Excel & VBA
Drawing Circles In AutoCAD Using Excel & VBA
Add Text In AutoCAD Using Excel & VBA
Send AutoCAD Commands From Excel & VBA

Page last modified: September 29, 2021

Hi, I am Christos, a Mechanical Engineer by profession (Ph.D.) and a Software Developer by obsession (10+ years of experience)! I founded this site back in 2011 intending to provide solutions to various engineering and programming problems.

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