Funny Pat on the Back Quotes

Pat Yourself On The Back Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 60 famous quotes and sayings about pat yourself on the back to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 60 Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes

#1. Lady Maccon wondered if she had ever been so foolish over Lord Maccon. Then she recalled that her affection generally took the form of threats and verbal barbs. She gave herself a pat on the back for avoiding sentimentality. - Author: Gail Carriger

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #631056

#2. Don't even wait until you've lost a pound. The minute you can push the plate away with food still on it, give yourself a pat on the back. - Author: Tony Robbins

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #408909

#3. You have no choices about how you lose, but you do have a choice about how you come back and prepare to win again. - Author: Pat Riley

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #435375

#4. Every time you express yourself in code, you should pat yourself on the back . Every time you write a comment, you should grimace and feel the failure of your ability of expression. - Author: Anonymous

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #444070

#5. I look into eyes, shake their hand, pat their back, and wish them luck, but I am thinking, I am going to bury you. - Author: Seve Ballesteros

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #457036

#6. Also remember that in any man's dark hour, a pat on the back and an earnest handclasp may work a small miracle. - Author: Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #468895

#7. The wavelets flung themselves up as if trying to pat my feet and I darted back, laughing, and picked up my skirts to chase them back as they receded, in a game of tag more ancient than I then knew. - Author: Amanda DeWees

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #472356

#8. Did you ever hear about the rock and roll singer who got 3 or 4 Cadillacs, saying power to the people, dance to the music, wants you to pat him on the back. - Author: Van Morrison

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #501363

#9. Don't expect a pat on the back for merely doing your job, but know that you'll get one for doing it exceptionally well. - Author: Lea Salonga

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #529990

#10. People will happily pat a man on the back if he's lucky enough to make it, but resent any suggestion they should help him get there.

Michael Robotham, Life or Death - Author: Stuart Murray

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #566820

#11. I always look forward, not back. - Author: Pat Nixon

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #581063

#12. A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in the pants, but is miles ahead in results. - Author: Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #597685

#13. FAIL UP. If something doesn't go how you planned it, learn from it, do something differently next time. And, by the way, effort deserves credit. Pat yourself on the back! - Author: Beth Ramsay

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #608221

#14. Every child should have an occasional pat on the back as long as it is applied low enough and hard enough. - Author: Fulton J. Sheen

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #623507

#15. You'll light your own bloody self on fire if you have to. And then you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you knew it all along. Congratulations. - Author: Tana French

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #629600

#16. If you keep telling a youngster he is no good, he might begin to doubt himself. A pat on the back could bring the very best out of him. - Author: Harbhajan Singh

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #400542

#17. There are a lot of Ellroy lifts, man. This guy went to school. But then there's a willful thing that comes over me - God gives it to me - where I go, "That's real nice, let's just go home, pat yourself on the back , good dog, good dog, and wake up in the morning and go to work." - Author: James Ellroy

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #643063

#18. Everyone could know what everyone else felt, and we could be more careful with each other, because you'd never want to tell a person whose skin was purple that you're angry at her for being late, just like you would want to pat a pink person on the back and tell him, Congratulations! - Author: Jonathan Safran Foer

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #647511

#19. As he drove away from his handiwork, knowing he'd left no survivors, the killer looked at the rising smoke and gave himself a pat on the back for another assignment well done ... - Author: Peprah Boasiako

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #649070

#20. Finally I knelt on the bed and placed my hand on his back. I patted awkwardly, hoping that was protocol for when someone was sobbing their eyes out. "hey." pat, pat. "It's okay. We'll bust out of here before they tag us." pat, pat, pat. I felt lame - Author: Elana Johnson

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #666575

#21. On immigration policy, I believe we ought to call an immediate halt, stop illegal immigration and reduce legal immigration back to about 250,000 to 300,000, to more easily assimilate the Americans who've come here in the last 30 years. - Author: Pat Buchanan

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #666706

#22. I will never know what it's like to have only one language in my head. I have the pleasure of being able to move back and forth between Spanish and English, and I incorporate both languages in my books. - Author: Pat Mora

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #673219

#23. Always remember this: There are only eighteen inches between a pat on the back and a kick in the rump. - Author: Hattie McDaniel

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #712633

#24. There's nothing wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back. If you can't do that, you can't be objective about your work. You can't be conceited or cocky either, but you can't be too modest either. - Author: Jack Reynor

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #724133

#25. You can never pat yourself on the back during the season. Then you get complacent, stop working and let yourself slide. - Author: Mark Teixeira

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #960041

#26. My old chief taught me three lessons: Never believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Never go into debt because you will never get out. And never pat yourself on the back because karma will bite you in the ass.
Karma, I think, meet ass. - Author: David Macinnis Gill

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #1079008

#27. Don't wrench your shoulder out of its socket trying to pat yourself on the back , Beldin said sourly. - Author: David Eddings

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #1385828

#28. Plus, if someone is doing community service for a pat on the back, then they're wasting their time. Giving of yourself or your money is meaningless if you're only doing it because you want to be seen or praised. - Author: Melody Anne

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #1421618

#29. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, "I must be growing," and continue moving forward. - Author: T. Harv Eker

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #1491013

#30. When you do the right thing, enjoy it! When you take positive actions, enjoy them. After all, they are leading you toward positive results. Pat yourself on the back. Truly enjoy the fact that you're making positive progress, and the negative temptations will have no power over you. - Author: Ralph Marston

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #1691737

#31. I'm not dangerous at all I never hurt Grandpa or Sue or Billy. I love humans. And wolf-people like my Jacob.Renesmee dropped Edward's hand to reach back and pat Jacob's arm. - Author: Stephenie Meyer

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #221730

#32. When you do something moral and upright and wander off by yourself, well, everyone doesn't always follow you, do they, right? You pat yourself on your sanctimonious back but it doesn't mean the crowd rewards you for doing what you think is right. - Author: Amity Shlaes

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #24180

#33. The Oscar nomination is great. It's a great pat on the back. And I like that. - Author: Jeff Bridges

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #27035

#34. Religious people, in the name of the Constitution, are increasingly being shoved to the back of the social bus. - Author: Pat Swindall

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #35691

#35. If I were to give myself a pat on the back, it would be for sticking with bookmaking as my primary way of expressing myself over the span of fifty years. - Author: Jerry Pinkney

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #55499

#36. A pat on the back is six inches away from a kick up the ass. - Author: Geri Halliwell

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #76958

#37. You get ideas across better through listening and the pat-on-the-back method than you do with a kick on the pants. - Author: John Wooden

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #93291

#38. If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it's those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrity hood ... Trust me, one's view of the world isn't any clearer from the back seat of a limo. - Author: Pat Sajak

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #99666

#39. The white flashed back into a red ball in the southeast. They all knew what it was. It was Orlando, or McCoy Base, or both. It was the power supply for Timucuan County.
Thus the lights went out, and in that moment civilization in Fort Repose retreated a hundred years.
So ended The Day. - Author: Pat Frank

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #130190

#40. The way I see it, when you put the uniform on, in effect you sign a contract. And you don't back out of a contract merely because you've changed your mind. You can still speak up for your principles, you can still argue against the ones you're being made to fight for, but in the end you do the job. - Author: Pat Barker

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #148748

#41. Well, what was called the blessed hope of the Bible is that one day Jesus Christ would come back again, start a whole new era, that this world order that we know it would change into something that would be wonderful that we'd call the millennium. - Author: Pat Robertson

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #151477

#42. I had the good sense even then to realize patting oneself on the back is a waste of time. Besides, there are much better places to pat oneself if one must, indeed, pat. - Author: W.B. Keckler

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #180048

#43. We all need some TLC and to pat ourselves on the back from time to time. - Author: Natalie Dormer

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #214150

#44. We don't do movies for the industry. We do movies for the fans, for the people. If the industry give you a trophy or not, or pat you on the back or not, it's nice, but it's not something you should dwell on. - Author: Ice Cube

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #214424

#45. I suppose if it has a practical purpose, I appreciate a pat on the back. I suppose it's rewarding, ultimately. - Author: Brendan Fraser

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #217017

#46. I feel like giving myself a pat on the back. We can create history tonight. We can bid goodbye to 10 years of (Liberal-Conservative) government which has ground to a halt, and get a new government and a new majority in Denmark. - Author: Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #103

#47. The way my father raised me, we don't pat ourselves on the back. We don't call ourselves great, we let other people do that. - Author: Andre Ward

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #223795

#48. Sometimes it's okay to give yourself a pat on the back and say, 'That was cool. That made me feel good.' - Author: Sebastian Stan

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #231723

#49. I'm the only person in the world that, when he holds down two jobs, gets criticized for it; everyone else gets a pat on the back and say, 'What an entrepreneuring, hardworking person,' but apparently that doesn't apply to me. - Author: Jesse Ventura

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #235698

#50. I tend to view synchronicities as proof that I am on the right path. It's like a pat on the back from God. - Author: Annette Vaillancourt

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #254859

#51. Be sure to find a way every day to rock your own world and to pat yourself on the back , the front, or whatever distance you can reach. In all probability 'nobody does it better' and self-appreciation is a serious key to self-success. Kathy Golden - Author: Kathy Golden

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #265963

#52. I'm perfectly happy to eat organic food, but if I choose to pay more for it, I don't pat myself on the back ethically. Quite the reverse. I think I'm actually being quite greedy, because what I'm doing is essentially saying, 'I want more land to be devoted to growing my food.' - Author: Matt Ridley

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #298292

#53. Normally, I've found in my life that the louder you speak, probably, the less of a fighter you are. All the fighters I've had a chance and the honor to serve with didn't pat themselves on the back, were pretty humble men and women. - Author: David Dewhurst

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #315727

#54. I don't think successful musicians were really put on this planet in order to have a great time, pat themselves on the back and say, 'Oh, what a clever boy I am!' I think that, like most artists, we were put on the planet to suffer just a little. And we do. - Author: Ian Anderson

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #333754

#55. There's an old saying that you don't ever finish a movie, you abandon it, and I really believe that. I never walk away from a take and pat myself on the back. - Author: Ryan Reynolds

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #358825

#56. I was born and raised on a Carolina sea island and I carried the sunshine of the low-country, inked in dark gold, on my back and shoulders. - Author: Pat Conroy

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #362151

#57. (during which Gustav was so overwhelmed by emotion that he actually gave Frederic a pat on the back), - Author: Christopher Healy

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #369467

#58. People think that if you've written a book and somebody's given you a pat on the back then, you know, it's all - you're all settled, you know? You're going to be fine. I know that if I'm not confused, and really afraid, my work isn't going to be any good. - Author: Barry Lopez

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #391087

#59. Fox does the NFL a lot like they program the rest of the network. There's sort of a locker room sense of humor that prevails. With ESPN, it's more like a pat-you-on-the-back kind of comedy. I mean, they'll all get on each other a little bit, but it's never mean-spirited. - Author: Frank Caliendo

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #392585

#60. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. - Author: Maya Angelou

Pat Yourself On The Back Quotes #398349


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